Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Guiness ad - Hands

This is an ad for Guiness I found that shows stop-frame animation being used in advertising.

Plan B - No Good music video

This is a music video for the song "No Good" by the artist, Plan B. This is a really good example of stop-frame animation that has helped me come up with alternative ideas on how to execute our coursework plans.

About FrameByFrame software

This is an example of what the FrameByFrame software looks like. I have a webcam that I am planning to attach to my computer and then I will strap the webcam to a tripod over my desk and use paper characters to make my animation. FrameByFrame works by taking a picture and putting it into a sequence, it uses something similar to "onion skin" effect in Adobe Flash CS3 where you can see the last movement made in a more opaque view. From this, you can make slight changes to the image, moving it slightly so that when lots of movements are played together in a sequence, it appears as if its moving by itself. FrameByFrame lets you export your animation in many different formats, we will export it into a quicktime format and put it into iMovie HD where we will then add audio and narration and there we will be able to edit it if need be.


So after trying to work on our advert the past couple of weeks and not really getting very far, Amy and I have decided to scrap the Flash Animation because we dont really know how to use the software properly, therefore its taking us far too long and we will end up at the deadline with nothing done.
Instead, we are going to hand-draw the characters and make them out of paper and make a stop-frame animation since I know how to do this quite well. I made a 30sec animation about a magician which took me a couple of hours so I think this would be a much better alternative for our adverts and help us meet the deadlines.
It will also tie in with our brand name for the shampoo, "Simply Shampoo" because stop-frame would look simpler than Flash animation.

In the coming week, I am going to make all the paper characters and objects for one of our ads and I'm planning to make the animation using a camera connected to a Mac and using the software, Frame by Frame. While I am doing this, Amy is going to find the appropriate music and get the narration recorded so that hopefully, if all goes to plan, we will have one Ad complete within the next 2 weeks or so.