Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Plans for January 2009

Our plan for January 2009 is to have ad 1 complete and be into our 2nd ad. Amy plans to re-shoot extra scenes needed for our other ads and I plan to have Adobe Flash CS3 up and running on my home Mac so I can spend more time outside school hours working on our animations.
However, in January both Amy and I will have exams. Amy has more exams than me though which means I will be able to carry on with the coursework while she is spending her time revising. This will slow down the process a little bit but like I keep mentioning, once I have Flash at home, it will hopefully mean we stick to our targets for January 09.

Where am I at currently?

So, where am I currently with my coursework?
We did not meet the deadline to have our first ad completed by last week simply because we have spent a lot of time figuring out how to use the software and overcoming problems because of this. For example, we started our first ad 3 times and had to delete everything because we realized we needed extra shots and extra parts in order to start the rotascoping. We also realized the importance of layers in Flash and how easy everything is now we are using several different layers to create our animation. The use of motion tweens has also helped a lot in the creation of our ad so far.
If our work carries on the way it is at the moment, and if I'm being completely honest, I dont think we will finish all 3 ads by the deadline in February 2009. I am currently trying to get Flash on my home Mac which will speed up the process a lot because I will be able to work on it out of school hours.Once I have Flash on my personal Mac, I think we will hit the deadline in Feb I will have a lot more time to work on the ads since my free periods in school are very limited.
The main issue we have faced to far is our lack of knowledge about Flash and how to use it. We have overcome this problem simply through practice and help from our peers and teachers out of lesson time. Other problems include the choice of sound for our ad which we are currently working on and the importance of the use of layers in Adobe Flash which I mentioned earlier. Another problem would probably be the lack of time I have in school to work on my coursework out of lesson time since the majority of my time in school is spent in lessons. Amy on the other hand has a lot more free periods than me which has helped our time management a bit in getting the work done but once I have Flash on my home Mac, this will speed up the whole process greatly and mean both of us are putting in the same amount of time on the production of our work.

Wednesday, 10 December 2008

First parts of our ads!

This is the first part of our third ad that still has the film attached so you can visualize the final product when the rotascoping has been finished.

This is the first part of our third ad without the film so you can see what it looks like on its own.

The rotascoping part is taking a lot longer than we thought it would. I think this is because we weren't sure how to use the software properly so for quite a long time we have been figuring things out. We have got more done in the past couple of days than we have done in the past couple of weeks because we now understand the software more and we have worked out little techniques such as the "motion tween" which is making using Flash animation a whole lot simpler! For example, we started off making the first ad which is the prehistoric-style ad and realized that we needed extra shots in the video to make it work. We then tried to make the retro/vintage ad but again, we found we needed to add extra shots to make it work. Finally, we started the futuristic ad which is probably simpler than the others because it is mostly all drawn and we havent used the video much as a template, only when the character is moving.